Getting fighting fit to fortify against cybercrime

Getting fighting fit to fortify against cybercrime

A year ago, we wrote about the need to mitigate cyber risks. Since then, the situation has worsened. According to the Australian Federal Police, cybercrime is one of the fastest growing crime types in Australia. The Australian Signal Directorate’s latest Cyber Threat...
Using organisational design to keep pace with progress

Using organisational design to keep pace with progress

The discipline of organisational design has been around for a long time. While it emerged in the mid-20th century with the use of strategy and hierarchy to better manage controls and bigger workforces, organisational design has its roots way back in the industrial age...
Hard-won Olympic lessons for leaders

Hard-won Olympic lessons for leaders

The Olympics have been a source of inspiration for Three Things this month. While we’ve seen many individual and team success stories in Paris (including 6 Gold, 4 Silver and 1 Bronze for Australia as we press send on this newsletter), we think there’s some important...
Are you transformation fit?

Are you transformation fit?

It feels like there’s a tsunami of disruption happening at the moment. Organisations are facing intersecting challenges associated with leapfrogging technological advancements, shifting consumer and client preferences, regulatory change, social disruption and global...
AI’s role in the future of work

AI’s role in the future of work

JOST&Co recently engaged the University of New South Wales’ (UNSW) Business School to deliver a project looking at Artificial Intelligence. The university’s Future of Work program involves students researching real life issues being experienced by organisations. ...
A story of leadership on the fast-track

A story of leadership on the fast-track

By Stella Voules I loved hosting our clients at the Australian Grand Prix again this year. The Australian Grand Prix Corporation is also one of our clients, so when I saw April’s Boss Magazine’s “How missing AFL’s top job drove the F1 Grand Prix CEO” article I was...